We made something bigger than the
work. It was about the about. Thoughts and discussions. One thread revealing a hundred new
thoughts. Placing the last puzzle piece
only to realize the finished puzzle in its totality was but a piece in a much larger scrambled
yet happy mess that may never be solved.
Different pieces/ideas when placed in tandem will certainly reveal something
unique. Endless possibilities and
configurations. Everything speaks more
when placed somewhere new and with someone new.
Photo: Rhonda Baker |
“Phrases came, visions came. Beautiful pictures, beautiful phrases.”
Virginia Woolf
It was a beautiful, shared experience. Without divulging all, keeping part of our
gem hidden, I will share my want/believe/wish/love statement from our final
improvisation. This week, this place,
these people helped me find this truth so very clearly.
“I believe dance requires a generosity and an honesty.”
To you all, I am very grateful.
“I believe dance requires a generosity and an honesty.”
To you all, I am very grateful.
Photo: Rhonda Baker |
So honoured to help make this work happen. Let us know more ways to work together!