Mocean's annual choreographic lab CLEaR Forum, Photo by Kevin MacCormack

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Hello From Alderney Landing

Hello from Alderney Landing! 

It seems incredibly appropriate that today is International Dance Day, as I spend my day in a dark theatre, making diagrams about blocking, listening to notes for the dancers, and imagining myself in the space. As I write this post, the dancers are literally running in circles around the stage, getting a feel for the space, the costumes, and testing their chosen hair styles. I thought I might just keep adding in quotes and activities that are happening around me, to give you a little inside scoop of our big tech day. 

“Conserve your energy, it’s a long day.”
A thoughtful line that just came from Mocean’s star stage manager, Marcel. 

It’s all becoming real, with opening night only one day away. As I watch and look forward to the next few days, I can’t help but already be sad about not heading to the studio everyday next week. For the past 5 weeks we have been in the studio everyday, and all too soon it will be over. Post show blues are a thing, even for the understudy as it turns out. 

5 hungry dancers flocked to my side to grab a quick bite of some delicious croissants, generously supplied by Serge. 

“Ladies come back to where you first start crazy hands, please”- Marcel

Tech day is always one of my favourites. It feels good to settle into the theatre, find your mirror backstage in the dressing rooms, get your station set up, hang up your costume, and nice outfit for the opening night reception, and settle in for the next few days. 

Shadows begin to take over the sides of the stage, varying in size as the dancers move through the choreography. 

Murmured conservations can be heard throughout the room: on stage between the dancers, from the back of the theatre as Serge & Stephane discuss lighting, Marcel on the headset, and rehearsal director Sara Harrigan speaking with myself and the dancers on stage. It’s an interesting soundscape, as I catch bits and pieces of each of these murmurs. 

“Are you watching her, or is she watching you?”- Gillian

As I’ve said in my past couple of posts, be sure to come out and see this show. Witness the inspiring work of Mocean Dance to bring you two brilliantly exciting pieces, “Live From The Flash Pan” by Cory Bowles, and “Sable Island”  by Serge Bennathan. 

“There’s the dinosaur.”- Jacinte 

It’s been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with you, until next time. 

xx Kathleen 

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