Hello blog world,
I am the understudy for Serge Bennathan’s new work, “Sable Island”, and I’m writing to share a little bit about my experience so far. Understudying is a bit of an odd job, you are trying to learn everyone’s role in the very back corner of the studio. Then at a moment’s notice you can be thrown into the piece. Suddenly I find myself surrounded by people, instead of a ballet barre and yellow coloured walls. After weeks of dancing alone in the back, it’s quite a change to your senses (and adrenaline!) to be in the middle of it all. I can sense the rush and excitement when I observe the dancers in rehearsal, but being right in the middle of it is a completely different experience. It’s a satisfying experience, mixed with some stress. As I’m in the middle of the work, I’m suddenly realizing I don’t exactly know the blocking of this dancer, or the traveling pattern of another. Luckily, dancer instincts take over and the ability to sense the space and energy is a big tool I am able to use. I haven’t caused any traffic jams or crashes to this point, I’m working to keep that record nice and clean!
I have been learning so much watching the 5 dancers of Sable Island work with Serge. Watching these skilled dancers everyday, and having the ability to learn from them and speak with them about the work is such a fantastic experience. Watching Serge work and create is another unforgettable experience, and I will always be grateful for these weeks in the studio with so many talented, driven, and passionate artists.
-Learn the piece (all 5 dancer’s spacing and solo moments, of course!)
-Stay out of the way…but be ready to jump in at a moment’s notice
-Get some rehearsal photos
-Post those photos
-Video runs of the piece
-Reorganize the space (move CD player, speakers, flats, etc)
-Write blog posts
-Be present and engaged each day
No one has instructed me to carry out that last one, but it seems like the best way to approach each day. I am learning so much, and am so thankful for this experience with Mocean Dance. I will continue to update you on my experiences in the coming weeks as we prepare for Close Reach, which is only 2 short weeks away!
Love & gratitude,
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