Mocean's annual choreographic lab CLEaR Forum, Photo by Kevin MacCormack

Sunday, 8 February 2015

EMERGE Reflection Week 2 - Sarah

This week we took many leaps in the creative process. We started fresh on Monday with new ideas and created a phrase that got our cardio going! After looking at the video of what we had finished with on the previous Friday, we set to work creating contrasting movement and then combining it with the work from week 1. By the end of the week we had created a rough order of events. The peice is starting to show its form, which is an exciting part of the process.

Sara led us through an improvisation that used the vocabulary of the choreography we had so far. This was a very informative experience as it helped us to explore the world we had created. Afterwards we wrote about the experience. Here is some of what emerged for me:

Grasping, collitions, suspention. I can float and fly, or dive and collaps. Catch and release of your energy sends me spinning off into my own world. I want to splash the room and all of you in bight paint.
Cracking open; an idea, your body, your boundries, your heart.
Explore and find magic in the secret orchard of our moving minds.

And that's a wrap for week 2!
Looking forward to our last week of creation!

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