Mocean's annual choreographic lab CLEaR Forum, Photo by Kevin MacCormack

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Halifax, not so little city with a big heart

We have just finished our third session of offering Open Professional Company Class this season.

This time guest artist Darryl C. Tracy offered his teaching perspective and lead the community classes.

Developing over the season, first led by myself and now with Darryl, it has been so great to witness and take part in this community momentum and a room full of physicality. We are not so tiny as we thought. With record numbers throughout, this has been the first series of professional classes that have paid for themselves. This deserves a small celebration!!

Both with Darryl and I, the  over arching theme has been sharing thoughts from beyond the regular rhythm and mold, infusing new breath and exciting the nervous and vestibular system.

After class today a collection of beautiful
poems inspired by the inner container and outer
expression was shared with the room with excitment
and grace.  Pam brought a tear to my eye, and my
heart took a beat for this inspiring/re-inspiring community.

Pictured above, in class shots with drummer accompanist Andrew Dahms


  1. This post makes me so, so happy. xoxo


  2. Just getting the room ready for you Gillian, xoxo
