Mocean's annual choreographic lab CLEaR Forum, Photo by Kevin MacCormack

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Our group content is found in the sediment of our cells

Vancouver artist, Lexi Vajda

Tools speaking, content forming.
Encroaching, circling, transmitting and a contagion.
Knitting and unraveling simultaneously with a logic expressing through three bodies.

The trap of the triangle eventually dissolves.
Effort, grounded, hands doing something real

A vocabulary in action with the action outcome unknown, a journey of discovery unfolds.

Pleasurable delights of synchronicity. Bulking, Poetic images of a work at play.

A base rhythm – trance and steady, surprises still present.

Huddle, Floor, Pull, Deepen

End of day sharing, Wednesday - Day 3 - S. Coffin

Monday, 14 May 2018


CLEaR Monday waking up to the bright, open, quiet grounds. fresh air, coffee. fresh mind.

notes from movement session:

inwards honing open body 
copycat into the movement, the body knows.
we are verbingmovingthinking
warm bodies spilling into and out of
spike pig walks
we sand the obstacles until round
playing this dance, patiently waiting in time
this is ross creek time
our distracted attention invites an enfolding world, it dances us
this, do we feel
the movement, the moment?
we try to smell the colours.
this belongs to us
autonomy of attention
vs. facebook 
Only150Characters, 150(+1) years since confederation 
the history of the land we practice on, the land we breathe here 
it's face topography
my funny cheeks joyful

we hope for a porcupine.

CLEaR Forum Arrivals - some traces